
Dust Jacket

To generate a Book Cover Template for a Hard Cover/Case Bound book, select the Case Bound option in the Cover Type section on the Template Generator window.
In the application or software you are using to create your book cover set the size of the page, layer, drawing, canvas or whatever your application uses to define the image object to match the Template Width and Template Length (height) found in the Template Dimensions section of the Template Generator window.
Depending on your the application or software import the generated template into one of the layers. If you are using a word processor program such as MS Word see the Using MS Word to Create a Book Cover topic.
Set the layer containing the template to be on top and then use the other layers to create your book cover.
Once you have finished creating your book cover, make the layer with the template not visable or delete it so that it does not show in finished book cover.
The Template shown above was generated using the settings and options as depicted in the window screen shots shown below: